
Dear Parents/Carers,

Choosing the right school for your child is extremely important in enabling them to reach their full potential, both during the time they are in Primary school and also in preparing them for Comprehensive School. We at Swiss Valley take a pride in our Educational Standards which are consistently above both Carmarthenshire and All Wales comparisons. Our relationships with partner Secondary schools are excellent and the vast majority of our pupils go on to excel at Secondary School and beyond.

All parents want a good education for their children but they also want them to be happy and to feel safe and secure in their school environment. At Swiss Valley School we believe we can offer all these things. We also pride ourselves on the broad, balanced and varied opportunities that we provide for each of our pupils throughout the school and also in the high standards of teaching and learning which are a credit to the hard work of both staff and pupils. Equally, we are also proud of the atmosphere of friendliness and cooperation which is always evident.

Visitors to the school often comment on the warm welcome they receive and also on the homely atmosphere within the school environment. We value all our pupils for who they are and we believe that their time in our school should be rewarding and fulfilling.

Should you choose to send your child to Swiss Valley I am fully confident that you will have made the right decision.

I look forward to meeting you soon and also showing you around. In the meantime if you have any queries or concerns, please contact me at school at any time.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs J Davies
Head teacher

SVCP Prospectus 2023-24.pdf