
Welcome | Croeso

Choosing the right school for your child is extremely important in enabling them to reach their full potential, both during their time at primary school and in preparing them for comprehensive school. Here at Swiss Valley School we learn together to achieve success for all, based on high expectations. We nurture the growth of the whole child, academically, socially, emotionally, morally and physically. Celebrating achievement in a safe, caring and creative environment.

We believe that a happy child will be a successful child and we work to ensure that every child enjoys school and achieves success. We do this by providing the best teaching and learning experiences through an exciting and engaging curriculum.

As a community school, we believe in the value of family and the local community and place a great emphasis on the partnership that exists between the home, the school and the community. We work in close partnership with parents so that every child is fully supported. We understand the important role that parents play in their child’s education and welcome your involvement in the life of our school. Visitors to our school often comment on the warm welcome they receive and the homely atmosphere within the school environment.

We value all our pupils for who they are and believe that their time at our school should be rewarding and fulfilling. We strive to develop resilience, courage and determination, skills required to allow our pupils to become successful lifelong learners.

We would be delighted to welcome you to our school. Should you wish to arrange a tour, please do not hesitate to contact the school office to arrange a suitable time. I look forward to meeting you and taking you around our school. 

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Jo Davies 
Head Teacher

SVCP Prospectus 2023-24.pdf